Awake Again

Most would consider another day a blessing, and while I do consider every day a blessing, there’s a darker side to this whole thing. I am what a person with an invisible illness looks like, I am a chronic pain sufferer. I’m awake too early today, and that worries me. You see the days I wake up too early are the days that I am exhausted by dinner time, and I was tossing and turning long before I gave up sleeping today. I’m learning to conserve energy on days like today because I don’t want my tank to be on E when my other half gets home. I have a wonderful husband who is doing his very best. He’s now working 50-60+ hrs per week since I had to suddenly quit working. It is summer time now which is exciting because I get to spend it with my son. I am also concerned because he’s never really seen how much pain I’m actually in. I wear a mask when my family is around, I don’t want to scare them and I don’t want them to worry about me anymore than they already do. Today I am awake again and I am determined to believe that fact is a blessing! As long as there is a will in these bones I will look for the blessings and I will never give up!

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